Time for tattoo & piercing studio's to step up.

At Jynx Tattoo & Piercing we have introduced some measure to help those with autism feel more comfortable about visiting a tattoo & piercing studio. Times have changed and like everything else tattoo studio owners should be adapting and making changes. We wanted to be the first Autism Friendly Tattoo Studio in Bournemouth.
I am not trying to boast, as I should of made these changes along time ago and i am frankly shocked the tattoo industry has not moved with the times. Lets be completely honest a tattoo studio can be intimidating at the best of times. Let alone for someone with autism.
Our tattoo studio in Bournemouth wants to be at the forefront of changing all that. 

Imagine stepping into a tattoo studio where the hustle and bustle of the outside world fade away, replaced by an atmosphere of calm and understanding. For many, getting a tattoo can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience. But for individuals with autism, the environment plays a crucial role in making this experience enjoyable and stress-free. This is where an autism-friendly tattoo studio comes into play—a sanctuary designed to cater to the unique needs of autistic clients, ensuring they feel welcomed and relaxed from the moment they walk in.

Tattoo mishaps can happen to anyone, but for those with sensory sensitivities and anxiety, the stakes are even higher. 

Bournemouth Echo Feature: Championing Autism-Friendly Tattoo Sessions

We are thrilled to share that Jynx Tattoo & Piercing was recently featured in the Bournemouth Echo for our efforts to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for individuals with autism. This recognition highlights our commitment to being pioneers in the industry, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their sensory needs, can have a positive and enjoyable tattooing experience.

You can read the full article here.

Free Consultation to Discuss Tattoo and Personal Requirements

Getting a tattoo is a significant decision, and for individuals with autism, the process can be particularly daunting. That’s why we at Jynx have decided to extend our allocated free consultation time so we can make sure we understand all your requirements as a potential client.

Personalized Planning: During this consultation, clients can discuss their tattoo ideas and personal requirements in a relaxed, pressure-free setting. This time allows the tattoo artist to understand the client's vision and any specific sensory needs. For instance, an autistic client might prefer a quieter machine, specific lighting, or particular types of inks that feel better on their skin.

Case Study - Sarah's Story: Sarah, a university student with autism, had always wanted a tattoo of her favorite animal—a fox. However, her previous experiences in noisy, chaotic studios left her anxious and discouraged. When she discovered an autism-friendly studio offering free consultations, everything changed. During her consultation, Sarah could express her concerns and preferences without feeling rushed. Steph took notes on her needs and designed a tattoo process that accommodated her sensory sensitivities. On the day of her appointment, Sarah felt prepared and confident, resulting in a beautiful fox tattoo that exceeded her expectations.

Engaging Questions:

  • How does the consultation process make you feel more comfortable about getting a tattoo?
  • Have you ever had a consultation that didn’t meet your needs? What was missing?

Quiet and Calm Private Room to Be Tattooed in on the Day

Creating a Sanctuary: A quiet and calm private room can make a world of difference for someone with autism. This environment minimizes sensory overload, allowing the client to focus on the tattoo process in peace. These rooms have calming decor and limited noise to suit individual preferences.

Case Study - Michael's Experience: Michael, a 25-year-old with autism, dreaded the noise and chaos of typical tattoo studios. When he discovered Jynx catered to people with autism he was sceptical but decided to give it a try. The quiet and serene atmosphere made him feel at ease, significantly enhancing his tattooing experience.

Engaging Questions:

  • How does noise affect your experience in stressful situations?
  • What room features help you feel most at ease?

Sensory Needs Catered To

Tailoring the Experience: Sensory needs vary greatly among individuals with autism. An autism-friendly tattoo studio is equipped to address these needs, whether it’s through adjusting the lighting, providing soft blankets, or using specific inks and needles that feel more comfortable on the skin.

Case Study - Emily's Custom Setup: Emily has heightened sensitivity to light and touch. During her consultation, she communicated these needs to her artist, who adjusted the lighting and used softer, more comfortable materials. This personalized setup ensured Emily had a positive experience without sensory discomfort.

Engaging Questions:

  • What sensory inputs are most challenging for you during new experiences?
  • Have you had an experience where your sensory needs were not considered?

Free Use of Ear Defenders, Fidget Toys, and Games if Needed

Comfort Tools: Providing ear defenders, fidget toys, and games can help clients manage anxiety and sensory overload. These tools offer a distraction and a way to self-regulate during the tattoo process.

Case Study - Alex's Coping Mechanism: Alex found that wearing ear defenders and using a fidget toy during his tattoo session significantly reduced his anxiety. The availability of these tools at the studio allowed him to focus on the positive aspects of getting his tattoo.

Engaging Questions:

  • Which tools have helped you manage anxiety in the past?
  • Are there any specific aids you prefer during stressful situations?

Calm and Professional Tattoo Artist with a Good Knowledge and Understanding of Autism

Empathetic Artists: Having a calm, professional tattoo artist who understands autism is crucial. Luckily we have Steph who's own daughter is autistic so she is used to handling the challenges that autism faces. he has also received training which has helped her to be more patient, to communicate clearly, and to create a supportive environment forher clients.

Case Study - Rachel's Trust: Rachel, who has autism, was nervous about getting her first tattoo. Steph's calming demeanor and clear communication helped build trust. Steph's knowledge of autism made Rachel feel understood and respected, making the experience positive and memorable.

Engaging Questions:

  • What qualities do you look for in a professional providing personal services?
  • How does the demeanor of the artist impact your experience?

25% Discount for People in Receipt of Personal Independent Payments

Financial Accessibility: Offering a 25% discount for those receiving Personal Independent Payments makes our  tattoo services at Jynx Tattoo & Piercing Bournemouth more accessible. This financial support can ease the burden, making it possible for more people to afford the experience.

Case Study - Sam's Opportunity: Sam, who is on a limited income due to his disability, always wanted a tattoo but found it financially out of reach. The 25% discount made it possible for him to finally get the tattoo he dreamed of, enhancing his sense of self-expression and confidence.

Engaging Questions:

  • How do financial incentives influence your decision to use a service?
  • Have financial barriers prevented you from accessing certain services?

By incorporating these features, Jynx has been able to create a  welcoming and supportive environment, reducing the likelihood of mishaps and ensuring a positive experience for every client.

We hope you found this article helpful Autism Friendly Tattoo Studio Bournemouth, please check out some of our other content and share with those who may find what we have to say interesting.

For any advice or help with autism please visit The National Autistic Society